Cosplay Danerys Targaryen´s blue Dragon Dress

It´s quite a long time I didn´t write something, but I was working on the cosplay costumes my children asked for. My daughter always tries to choose simple looking costumes for me to sew. Nevertheless, every time I start research, that simple looking dresses turn themselves into some complicated pattern challenges. First one was Padme Amidala´s blue dress she wears on Tatooine, second was Daenerys Targaryen´s blue dress from season 4. Seems, she likes blue dresses!

Thanks to Michelle Carragher, who did most of the costume embroidery, I could manage the details

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1840s Tailcoat Part 4

Collar and Sleeves 

I basted together all layers along neckline; that means the basic layer is the top itself, then along the front neckline the interlining and along the back neckline the cotton lining. The seam allowances of the facings are already turned in and the edge basted to the stitching line. I prepared the collar with canvas pad stitched to the fashion fabric. With the hot iron, I stretched the top and bottom edges and pressed in the roll line.

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1840s Tailcoat Part 3 / 1840er Tailcoat Teil 3

The Tails / Die Schößchen

Let´s continue with this picture: this are the back parts already sewn together. You can see the seam allowance of the vent turned in and catch stitched to fix it. You will see small stitches on the right fabric side, but that doesn´t matter, it was usual on men´s clothing during the Regency and Romantic period.



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1840s Tailcoat Part 2

Let´s continue with the front facing. For the pattern I joined the pattern piece of the front and the back. At the back piece I drew a curved line from the center back to the side seam and cut. Placed on top of my fashion fabric and cut with some more seam allowance at the neckline. I didn´t close the dart at the facing. Now the facing will reach to the center back as you can see on this tailcoat:


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