About Me

Hi, I´m Roti the founder of Blacksnailpatterns.

I started my sewing journey when I was about 12 years old, initially focusing on hand sewing due to the limitations of our miss functional home sewing machine. It wasn’t until I turned 24 that I bought my first sewing machine and transitioned away from hand stitching. 

After the birth of my children, I took a break from sewing, only to return when my daughter, at the age of four, expressed her desire for a princess dress. During the research for this particular dress, I discovered a newfound passion for historical clothing.

Over the years, my sewing journey has evolved, and I’ve developed a particular passion for historical costumes and sewing techniques, earning me the title of a self-proclaimed ‘sewing nerd.’ This journey ultimately led to the founding of my own business, Blacksnailpatterns, in 2014.

Currently residing in Bad Ischl, Austria, I share my home with my husband, children, and a few feline companions. In addition to my sewing endeavors, I also balance the role of an Oberärztin (Senior Physician) specializing in Anesthesia and Intensive Care Medicine, adding another dimension to my life. This dual role allows me to seamlessly blend my passion for historical fashion with the demands of a fulfilling career in medicine.

Since 2022, I’ve had the pleasure of collaborating with my dedicated colleague, Laura. Her journey into the world of historical fashion began in 2005 when the enchanting costumes of ‘Pride and Prejudice’ (2005) captured her attention in the cinema. Following a friend’s recommendation, she delved into the BBC 1995 version and instantly fell in love with historical clothing. In 2007, Laura purchased her first historical piece, a pelisse inspired by a model from 1800, using earnings from her apprenticeship. This marked the commencement of her sewing adventure, leading her to bravely wield her needle for the first time in 2014.

Since then, Laura has passionately sewn a plethora of garments, particularly drawn to fashion from the Empire era and other historical epochs that pique her interest. Her motto, ‘practice makes perfect,’ echoes her belief that anyone can master the art of sewing with dedication and practice.

Our paths crossed in 2019, and since December 2021, Laura has been an integral part of Blacksnailpatterns, providing invaluable support. Her responsibilities span processing international orders, responding to customer inquiries, offering support, and overseeing our social media presence.

Laura resides in Austria with two children, bringing her unique passion and expertise to the collaborative spirit of Blacksnailpatterns.



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9 thoughts on “About Me

  1. Meg

    Hello, I have purchased your pattern 0222 mens Breeches. I am very pleased with the pattern .But I would like to download the machine sewing guide. But it doesn’t see m to enable me to do this, could you please advise me. Thank you Meg .

    1. Rotraut Post author

      Hi, I´m sorry, but the machine sewing guide is only available as a blog post. To save it at home I recommend copying and paste into a word file.

  2. Bliss Bennet

    Hi, I am working on your pattern 0422, Regency dress. The instructions for the box pleat frill say “fold into regular box pleats,” but do not specifiy what width “regular” box pleats are. 2 inches? 3 inches? Could you please advise?

    Thank you.

  3. Vanessa Winterberg-Kroll

    Hallo ihr Lieben, erstmal ein großes Kompliment für Eure Arbeit. Ich bin begeistert von den Schnittmustern. Ich habe mir ein korsettschnittmuster bestellt und frage mich, ob es dazu auch eine Nähanleitung in irgendeiner Form gibt. Auch würde ich gerne wissen, ob ihr Video Anleitungen habt. Liebe Grüße ❤️

  4. Vanessa Winterberg-Kroll

    Liebe Roti, ich arbeite an dem viktorianischen Korsett. Da ich lieber ohne Nahtzugabe meine Paiermuster zuschneide, passe ich die Linien gerade an. Ich bin aber unsicher, ob Nahtzugabe nur für die Längsseiten der Teile gilt, da nur dort explizit steht, daß 2, bzw hinten 1,5 cm Nahtzugabe enthaltenen sind. Was ist mit den horizontal Linien oben und unten? Ist auch hier eine Nahtzugabe von 2 cm enthalten? Viele Grüße, Vanessa.

  5. sofia

    Thank you very much for the pattern,
    Edwardian Fan-Skirt worn circa 1890 Sewing pattern, I will update you as soon as I sew it, congratulations on such an important and excellent online store, I love that you also have your tutorial block.
    I wish you a wonderful day!

  6. sharon

    hello. I’ve recently purchased your Victorian underwear pattern #1115 . i was looking for some more clarity on the pants . I’m finding the description a little difficult to follow. and with only the one picture as a guide. this is my first project of this nature. any guidance would be appreciated.


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