My passion for historical fashion was awakened in 2005. After seeing P&P 2005 in the cinema, I was recommended to see the BBC 1995 version. And then it happened. I liked the clothes straight away.
That’s how it started. In 2007 I bought my first piece, a pelisse, based on a model from 1800, with the money I earned as an apprentice. But that was just the beginning, many dresses followed. I dared to sew my needle for the first time in 2014. Since then I have sewn a lot of fashion for the Empire and also for other epochs that appeal to me.
Since then my motto has been: practice makes perfect. Anyone can sew.
In 2019 I got to know Roti. Since December 2021 I have been working at Blacksnailpatterns and supporting Roti.
My activities include processing international orders, answering customer inquiries, support and I take care of the social media area.
I live in Austria with my husband and my two childrens.
Enjoy sewing!