Today let´s start with sewing! The fabric from stock is a lightweight wool with a very small diamond pattern, flatlined with a lightweight cotton fabric.

The front pattern with it´s two darts is quite a large pattern piece. With modern fabrics you can cut the whole thing in one, the extant dress is pieced to be cut from a fabric with a width of about 90cm.

This is the back piece, cut on fold fabric along the skirt part. Sew the bodice part along the center back, with the right sides together and press the seam to one side.

Prepare the front parts: Turn in the facing, curve out the front edge slightly at the level of the bust dart and bast in place.

Close the darts, sew from top to bottom. I don´t lock or backstitch the thread at start and stop. Instead, I sew with a reduced stitch length, leaving a long thread tail at either. After sewing I knot the threads.

After sewing together back, side backs and fronts and closing the shoulder seam, it´s time for a fitting. Adjust darts and seams if needed.

To be continued…