5/8″ seam allowance included

I decided to add seam allowance to my sewing patterns, because I think it´s easier and more comfortable for you to work with.
Why do I use a seam allowance of 5/8“ (1,5cm) in my sewing patterns, although after sewing I would tell you to trim it back? This is a question I´ve been asked many times.

  1. Many sewing pattern companies are using a 5/8” (1,5cm) seam allowance. 5/8” is easily convertible in metric measurements and vice versa.
  2. I use a seam allowance of 5/8” (1,5cm) on all edges, to avoid confusions. I know, on curves a seam allowance of 3/8” (1cm) would be easier to sew, a seam allowance of ¾” (2cm) at the side seams facilitates adjusting. But, you´ll have to check the instructions again and again while sewing, especially if you aren´t an experienced sewer or you paused your project for some weeks.
  3. Some fabrics are fraying! Even a seam allowance of 5/8” (1,5cm) can be too little.

As I´m from Austria/Europe, I´m used to work with the metric system and draft my sewing patterns that way. Why do I convert my patterns to the imperial system? Most of my costumers are still working with the imperial system, especially while sewing. I try to offer you both options, to pick out your preferred measurement system.

Wish you much fun using my sewing patterns!